That’s the number of consumers who switched to a competitor after a bad experience.
That’s the number of consumers who will pay more for exceptional customer service.
These statistics from Harris Interactive emphasize with numbers what we all know: customer service matters. We are more likely to stay with a company, to recommend a product, or to buy more services from companies who do it well. And, when we have a negative experience, social media can become an outlet for frustration.
I’m a believer that everyone in a company is in customer service. Decades ago, Peter Drucker said, “There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer.” Servicing the customer is central to success.
This week is Customer Service Week, a week to recognize the professionals who serve customers. Yes, I did just say that we are all in that profession. But there are some pros who have the title and work full-time with customers. From anticipating customer needs to handling customer complaints, customer service representatives tirelessly represent the company. Answering email or phone calls, responding to social media comments, or calling customers to ask about yesterday’s purchase are all activities that keep the reps busy.
This week is for you!