In a previous post, Michael Hyatt talked about leadership. After that discussion, we talked about his new book, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World.
The subtitle of the book sums it up well: “A step by step guide for anyone with something to say or sell.” It’s a book for small business owners who need to increase their visibility. It’s a book for aspiring authors who want to publish and sell their book. It’s a book for anyone who needs to differentiate a product or service and stand out using modern technology.
Michael wrote it because, as a publisher, he would turn away excellent work because the prospective author didn’t have a platform. Where “Content is king,” he says, “A platform is queen.” He wanted to write a book that would help people build their own platform.
In the book, five directives are outlined:
1. Start with wow.
2. Prepare to launch.
3. Build your home base.
4. Expand your reach.
5. Engage your tribe.
On a personal note, I am glad that I received an early copy of this book because I used all of the advice and guidelines in building this blog. It saved time and money. I learned from his mistakes and successes. In fact, on the back jacket, my endorsement says:
About Michael Hyatt
Michael Hyatt is currently the Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers. He was the CEO for eight years. Michael’s leadership blog is cited as one of the top leadership blogs in the world.“Michael Hyatt, one of the pioneers of social networking and blogging, shares his successful blueprint for raising your visibility. Learn from his experience and save yourself time, money, and frustration by following his step-by-step advice.”
I found it invaluable, and think anyone building a platform will too.
Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World