Get more from your performance review When it comes to taking feedback, a writer I know told me a story about his favorite professor, a story I like to keep in mind. The class had just begun a semester that would involve intense peer review of each other’s work, and the professor asked the students, […]
Tag: performance review
Wait, I’m the Boss?!? The Guide for New Managers to Succeed
Inc. Leadership guy Peter Economy provides a roadmap for new managers in this compelling interview. A guide for new leaders to succeed from day one.
Embrace Your Natural Leadership Strengths
You wouldn’t waste time teaching an eagle to swim, would you? Bill Munn shares how to embrace your natural strengths and increase your effectiveness.
Break the Rules and Upend Business As Usual
David Burkus says we need New Management. Be bold: make salaries public, eliminate performance reviews, outlaw email & 10 other ideas to upend biz as usual.
4 Ways to Get Appreciated at Work
Are you appreciated? Here are 4 ways to get appreciated that I shared with my friend.