The Price of Right

You’re sitting at your desk when the call comes in from your boss.

“You were right.  I was flat out wrong.  I want to thank you for working here and having the vision that we all lack.  You called it.  Never again will I doubt you.” 

You straighten up in your chair, basking in your newfound status of business wizard.

Seem far-fetched?  That’s because it is.  It’s unlikely to happen in this lifetime.

Then why do we strive for it?

Why The Joy of Being Right is Wrong

So much of our life is spent trying to be right.  Correcting others.  Carefully editing others’ statements as if we were polishing an encyclopedia, making sure everything was just perfect.

We spend so much time on defense when we should be on offense.

Think of the wasted energy.

Think of the wasted mind power.

Think of what we could do if we didn’t resist that individual’s energy, but built on it and moved it forward with additional new thinking.



Let’s have less of this:

  • “You are wrong.”
  • “No, that’s not quite how I remember it.”
  • “You are forgetting something that changes everything and will change your mind.”

Let’s replace it with more:

  • Listening
  • Questions
  • Understanding

Instead of trying to prove someone is wrong, seek to understand.  Let it go.  Breathe. Smile.

You will find that you will have a less stressful day.  If you are not constantly editing, others will be more open with you.  You will learn more.

Yes, there are times you must disagree, edit, point out flawed arguments, or correct the record.  You don’t want to be silent or timid if you’re in a boat heading for Niagara Falls.  At the same time, realize that more often than not you can let things go and not constantly correct.  The joy of being right is short-lived. The joy of peace lasts a lifetime.



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