Readers of this blog know that I love books. There must be some psychological label for someone who must have a book within reach at all times. Whether at home or at the office, whether on a flight or a long drive, I am uncomfortable unless a book is close by.
In recent years, my career has me surrounded with books. As I walk down an aisle of books, I need to use all my willpower not to stop and start browsing. And what captures my attention? Book covers.
Book Covers Pull You In
Do you ever buy a book because you are attracted to its cover? Book covers do that. A well-designed book jacket stops you. Maybe makes you squint or smile or pause for a second. It calls you to pick up the book and look inside.
Each year, I make a list of the best book covers. Here is my 2013 list. (And, if you missed, here are the best book covers of 2012 and 2011.) What’s your favorite?
I Hate to Leave this Beautiful Place by Howard Norman
Shouting Won’t Help by Katherine Bouton
Doctor Sleep by Stephen King
Devoted: 38 Extraordinary Tales of Love, Loyalty, and Life With Dogs by Rebecca Ascher-Walsh
Creative You: Using Your Personality Type to Thrive by David Goldstein and Otto Kroeger (see my interview with David Goldstein here.)
East of Denver by Gregory Hill
I Want to Show You More by Jamie Quatro
Gardens of Marrakesh by Angelica Gray
Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff
Pulse by Patrick Carman
Loveworks: How the world’s top marketers make emotional connections to win in the Marketplace by Brian Sheehan (see my interview with Brian Sheehan here).
Art Made from Books: Altered, Sculpted, Carved, Transformed by Laura Heyenga
She Left Me the Gun by Emma Brockes
The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes
Allegiant by Veronica Roth 
Below by Med McKinley
If you see a great book jacket in 2014, leave a comment here so we can consider it for next year’s list.