Turn Your Day Job into Your Dream Job


Day Job to Dream Job


86% of the population wishes they weren’t at their job.

That’s a startling statistic shared by Kary Oberbrunner. Kary is an author, speaker, and coach who left his day job to pursue his dream job several years ago. His personal story is compelling, overcoming severe stuttering, depression, and self-injury to becoming a community and business leader.

I recently spoke with him about his work and particularly about his book, Day Job to Dream Job: Practical Steps For Turning Your Passion Into A Full-Time Gig.



In our video interview, we talk about:

What it takes to pursue your life with purpose and meaning.

Kary calls people who pursue this “dream jobbers” and says only 14% of people are truly excited about their jobs.


Clarity. It starts with clarity. And with that clarity comes action.




The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people.

How to stop being a victim. (Hint: a victim lies in BED: blame, excuses, denial.)


Become a victor.



5 Times You Feel Fear

  1. The edges of your abilities.
  2. The edges of your resources.
  3. The edges of your understanding.
  4. The edges of your relationships.
  5. The edges of your experiences.








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